e-Guide (Mini-book) |
Mind Map |
Getting Started |
Training Videos |
SAS® Savvy Class: Automating Tasks using SAS Macro and Metadata Programming |
As SAS® programmers advance in their career, there is at least an 80% chance that you will encounter SAS macros to help automate and standardize processes. SAS Macro programming are also known as 'Code Generators'. From SAS® macro essentials to advanced SAS® macro quoting functions, I am confident you will find these SAS® papers useful as they have been for me. See also Proc SQL, SAS Dictionary Tables and System Options. See SAS Savvy training sessions on SAS Macro Programming e-guide below.
In general, SAS® Macro Programs have three sections
A. Define Input Parameters with Defaults (Use global macro variables and system functions)
B. Data Process within Macro or Macro Do Loop (Use metadata and collect or report findings)
SAS® Guide SAS Macro Examples
SAS® Blog The SAS Training Post - Macro Q Functions, Author Tip, Environment, Parameters
Beginner SAS Programmer |
Beginner 1 Nine Steps to Get Started using SAS Macros, Jane Stroupe
Beginner 2 SAS Macros Are Just Text Substitution!!, Dianne Piaskoski
Beginner 3 Macro Basics for New SAS® Users, Cynthia L. Zender
Beginner 4 An Introduction to SAS® Macro, Ian Whitlock
Beginner 5 Macros Made Simple, Tom Mannigel
Beginner 6 Writing cleaner and more powerful SAS code using macros, Patrick Breheny [Presentation]
Hands-on-Workshops (HOW) SAS® Macro Programming for Beginners, Susan Slaughter, Lora Delwiche
(HOW) SAS® Macro Variables and Simple Macro Programs, Steven First, Katie Ronk
(HOW) Hands-On SAS® Macro Programming Tips and Techniques, Kirk Lafler [MRECALL]
Animated Guides by Russ Lavery: SAS Macro Programming, How %Str and %NRStr Work
Advanced SAS Programmer |
Advanced 1 CALL EXECUTE: How and Why, Ian Whitlock
Clinical Application Paper Considerations for Building an Integrated Safety Database Using SAS, Denise J. Smith, Daniel Schulz, Gayle Kloss, Wei Cheng
Clinical Application Paper Clinical Data Management: Building a Dynamic Application, Arthur Carpenter, Richard Smith
Macro SAS Programmer |
More About SAS Macros Examples Example User Guide
The Ultimate Macro Variable Name Model
call ur&&&varnama&pnum
Resolve from right to left, so do not include '.' between macro variables or counter
1st resolve &pnum to 1 for parameter record number
2nd resolve && to &varnama1 to alt for root variable
3rd resolve to uralt which is a variable name for related to root variable
ur &&& varnam a 1
< constant for new macro variables >&&&< macro variable name > < a-z columns > < 1-20 records >
ur - prefix for unit range or any type of variable reference for ULN
varnam - variable name such as ALT, AST, BILI
a - first letter for the first column to z for up to 26 columns in parameter dataset, do not use numbers since will conflict with counter suffix
1 - first row for up to 20 records in parameter dataset, counter numbers are ideal for sequence when creating macro variables using proc sql into
Macro Parameter Checklist - See SAS Debugging for automatic macro variables
Object |
Exists? |
Values/Records? |
Total |
# Unique |
Unique List (DoLoop/Arrays) |
First/Last |
Macro Parameter |
X |
X |
Libname/Pathname |
X |
N/A |
File (Convert to dataset) - Excel (VDTs, Control files) - RTF/Log (Timestamp) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Dataset |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Variable - Character (Text Management - spaces, case-sensitive, special characters) - Numeric/Dates (Calculations) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Inside-Out SAS Syntax (Code Examples) |
Inside-Out SAS Syntax (Options, Metadata) |
DATA; <> ; RUN;
Decision points to construct SAS Syntax Loop through list of ... One / More Values / Variables / Options Valid SAS Syntax Within/By SAS Procedure Direct (&name) / Indirect (&&name&i, &&&name&i) Macro Variable Reference Proc SQL / Proc Contents Metadata (type, length, label, unique values, or nobs) Non-Duplicate / Duplicate records Data-driven macro variables (create using SYMPUT and access using SYMGET) Non-Macro / Macro SAS functions Character Management functions Parameter Checks in Design |
Indirect Macro Reference |
Macro Resolution SAS Paper, 2 |
Macro variable equals another macro variable. %let dog = hound; |
'&' resolves to name of macro variable. '&&&' resolves to internal macro variable value. %put My &pet is a &&&pet; |
Root name and suffix number as one macro variable. %let dsn = animals; |
'&' resolves to name of root and suffix macro variable name. '&&' resolves to internal macro variable value. %put ‘** &dsn&n = ‘ &dsn&n ‘ ** &&dsn&n = ‘ &&dsn&n; |
Root name and suffix number as one macro variable. %let i = 1; %let Engine1=Make Model EngineSize; |
'&' resolves to name of root and suffix macro variable name. '&&' resolves to internal macro variable value. var &&&var&i. ; |
Root name and two suffix numbers as one macro variable. %let i = 1; |
'&' resolves to name of root and suffix macro variable name. '&&' resolves to internal macro variable value. var &&rss_&i._&j; |
The Validator: A Macro to Validate Parameters, Paper 2 [Defensive Programming]
OBJECT_EXIST: A Macro to Check if a specified Object Exists, Jim Johnson
Macro Cleanup Checklist
Temporary Objects |
Delete at end of macro |
Libnames |
X |
Filenames |
X |
Datasets |
X |
Global Macro Variables |
X |
Carpenter's SAS Macro Programs
Categories: Character Variables, Dataset/File Management, Date/Time Variables, Library Tools, Macro Variables, Numeric Variables, and Programming Technique
Tips for Macro Testing (Combinations Calculator)
1. Account for all assumptions and requirements.
2. Develop test cases based on macro logic. May require reviewing source macro program.
3. Apply specific test cases including:
- Good / Bad data sets
- Required / Optional parameters
- Valid / Invalid variable type and value
- Possible combination of macro parameters
- Duplicate records and empty subsets
4. Boundary testing - if a numeric parm with valid values of 1-5, you have to check a negative value, 0, 1, 5, 6. Checking outside the boundary, at the boundary, and inside boundary, missing values, char values etc. if char parm, you have to check for blank/missing values, long text strings, a non alphabetic value (i.e. a number), lowercase, mixed case, uppercase, multiple words in a string, etc.etc,
You want to be sure that program can handle virtually anything since users can certainly do so. (and they don’t always read the documentation!). Sometimes you can create a list of valid values to shorten the testing, but that is not always the case depending on how the parms are set up. Consider handling special characters, ex. %, & and other special chars.
5. Take advantages of system options:
MFILE saves the resolved macro variables to a separate file. MPRINT displays nested macro calls with indents.
6. Add _debug parameter for debugging purpose
Macro Debugging 1 The Macro Degubbing Primer, Frank DiIorio
Macro Debugging 2 Demystifying the SAS Macro Facility, Marje Fecht, Harry Droogendyk
Macro Testing Discussions Welcome to Dullsville!! The System Testing of SAS Macros, James McGiffen
Macro Testing Methods SAS macro validation criteria, Jim Groeneveld
UnToken Paper with MFILE option A Macro to Unravel Macros, Sarah Woodruff, Have it Both Ways: Macros that Produce Publication-Quality Tables and Stand-alone Code, Linda Collins, Lisa Brooks, Michael Rea, Alan Hopkins
1. A Simple Approach to the Automated Unit Testing of Clinical SAS® Macros, Matthew Nizol [Automate]
2. Automated Test Framework for SAS Macros, Sven Prasse [Automate]
3. Automated Testing of Your SAS® Code, and Collation of Results (Using Hash Tables) Andrew Ratcliffe [Automate]
4. Testing Your SAS Code Against Known Data, Sharon Schiro [Test data]
5. Validation of SAS Macro Systems, Philip Pochon, Thomas Burger
6. The Power of Testing! – An automated SAS® Enterprise Guide® System for Testing, Karine Désilets
7. Regression Testing: the SAS Programmer’s Friend, Phil Busby
8. Testing the night away, Stephan Minnaert
9. Macro Design Automation Tool (MDAT) – A methodology for storing macro design information, generating documentation and code templates, and automating parameter validation, Richard Schneck, Mindy Rodgers [Metadata, Automate]
Macro Downloads:
1. General Utility Macros Macros to get to “Know Thy Data”, Diane Foose, Mike Gunshenan, Rick Morales
4. Scan Log LOGCHK Macro (See SAS Debugging)
5. .LST Files with Proc Compare Result, Manvitha Yennam, Srinivas Vanam, Phaneendhar Vanam
readrtf.sas: Convert RTF file (table, listing, etc.) into SAS dataset
cmp_dsn.sas: Proc compare two datasets.
ck_dups.sas: Check if dataset has duplicate records.
cmp_vars.sas: Checks if variables exist in two datasets
ck_empty_vars.sas: Find all empty varibles in a dataset
ck_maxlen.sas: Compare length of a char variable to longest string in that variable
cklogs.sas: Scan SAS log file(s) for ERROR, WARNING, NOTE messages.
delnpsc.sas: Delete or replace the non printable/special characters from dataset
water_fall_graph.sas: A simple water fall graph using proc gchart ( output )
ck_vst_order.sas: Check if SDTM visits are in chronological order.
nullreport.sas: Create empty output with custom message.
getnobs.sas: Count observations of a dataset into macro variable.
get_datadate.sas: Get date/time of a dataset as macro variable.
sdtm_split.sas: Create SUPP domain.
suppjoin.sas: Join parent and SUPP domain.
aocflag.sas: Create AOCxxFL variables in ADCM.
mksmall.sas: Adjust the lenght of char variables based on max length.
mkxpt.sas: Convert SAS dataset to XPT.
proccontents.sas: Simple proc contents macro.
pm.sas: Simple proc means macro.
pf.sas: Simple proc freq macro.
dirlist.sas: Get list of files from a directory into SAS dataset.
list_macros.sas: Get list of macros from log file.
crt_dynamic_fmt.sas: Create format from dataset.
fill_format.sas: Create label and rows based on format.
Processing Macro Variables as Arrays
DO_OVER Utility Macro Tight Looping With Macro Arrays, Ted Clay
List Making Paper Names, Names, Names - Make Me a List, Ian Whitlock, Proc SQL
data _null_; /* create macro variables */
length j $2.;
set sashelp.class;
i + 1;
j = left(put(i, best12.));
put j=;
call symput('n', j); /* final n = total number of records */
call symput('name'||j, trim(left(name))); /* name1=John name2=Mary */
%do i=1 %to &n; /* loop through total number of variables */
%put name&i = &&name&i; /* display name1 = John name2 = Mary etc. */
%let mlnam = acc.dth.dis;
* macro variable containing list of tokens;
%let nval = 1;
* Create counter macro variable;
%let clab = ;
* Create token macro variable;
data supupdate;
%do %while(%length(%scan(&mlnam, &nval, %str('.')))> 0);
* Do Loop through each token in the list until last token is read;
%let clab = %scan(&mlnam, &nval, %str('.'));
* Assign token value based on order in list;
%put clab = &clab;
* Display token value;
&clab.rt = 100*liv&clab;
* Reference token value in statement;
%let nval = %eval(&nval + 1);
* Increment counter by 1;
livacc=1; accrt = 100*livacc;
livdth=1; dthrt = 100*livdth;
livdis=1; disrt = 100*livdis;
/* %Do %While Loop processes the MLNAM macro variable for each value. The SAS statement within the loop is repeated 3 items – once for each item in the MLNAM macro. */
SAS® Macro Slides: SAS Techies, SAS Institute, Arthur
Compile/Execute Paper IF and %IF You Don't Understand, Ian Whitlock
1. IF-THEN logic is like one SAS Program using variable values to make decisions. Thus, conditions should not be based on macro variable values. IF-THEN logic can be embedded within %IF-%THEN logic. All code is compiled and executed.
2. The %IF-%THEN macro logic is similar to two separate SAS Programs using macro variable values to make decisions. Thus, in general, conditions should not be based on dataset variable values. Only the code passing the condition will be compiled.
Table Title: title1 %nrbquote(^S={font=("arial", 11 pt) }Table 14-2. Demographics and Baseline Characteristics);
Global Footnote: footnote1 (SOURCE: &pgmdir.\&pgm..sas %upcase(&sysuserid) SASv&sysver (%sysfunc(date(),date9.)%sysfunc(time(),time5.)));
Search for SAS Macro Papers by Ian Whitlock and Art Carpenter
Automatic macro variables, Data Step CALL Routines, Data Step Functions, Macro Functions, SCL
SAS Macro Language Reference On-Line Documentation
Search for SAS Institute Macro Examples
Different Levels of Metadata for standardization and automation
1. Basic method to standardize - apply dataset and variable attributes
2. Basic method to automate - process list of datasets or files
3. Advanced method to standardize - create standardized codelists
4. Advanced method to handle standard and custom programming - transform datasets based on source to target mapping attributes, black-box technology
1. Get A Grip on Macros in just 50 Minutes!, Arthur Li [Beginner, Examples]
3. Using Macros to Automate SAS® Processing, Kari Richardson, Eric Rossland [%GOTO]
4. Storing and Using a List of Values in a Macro Variable, Arthur L. Carpenter
5. Five Ways to Create Macro Variables: A Short Introduction to the Macro Language, Arthur L. Carpenter
6. A Tutorial on the SAS Macro Language, John Cohen
7. SAS Macros: Beyond the Basics, Jay A. Jaffe
8. Using Macro Functions, Art Carpenter [%INDEX, %SCAN]
9. Macro Functions: How to Make Them - How to Use Them, Art Carpenter
10. Consistent Variables + Consistent Checks = Cleaner Data, Greg Silva
11. Advanced Macro Topics, Steven First
12. The Path, The Whole Path, And Nothing But the Path, So Help Me Windows, Art Carpenter [Relative Path Name Macro Variables]
13. A SASautos Companion: Reusing Macros, Ronald Fehd [MAUTOSOURCE, SYSIN]
14. A Serious Look Macro Quoting, Ian Whitlock
15. Macro Quoting Functions, Other Special Character Masking Tools, and How To
Use Them, Art Carpenter [System Macro Variables]
16. How to Develop User-Friendly Macros, Sy Truong
17. Programming Squared (Writing Programs that Write Programs),
Jim Johnson
18. Considerations for Building an Integrated Safety Database Using SAS
Denise Smith, Daniel Schulz, Gayle Kloss, Wei Cheng [Clinical]
19. Advanced Macro Topics: Utilities and Examples, Art Carpenter
20. Developing a SAS System Autocall Macro Library as an Effective Toolkit, Steven A. Wilson
21. Creating Display Manager Abbreviations and Keyboard Macros for the Enhanced Editor, Art Carpenter
22. Macro Quoting to the Resue: Passing Special Characters, Mary Rosenbloom
23. Sam and Max's Adventure in SAS Macro Land, Sam and Seunghee Chung
24. Making your Way through the Metadata Maze, Frank Poppe, Laurent de Walick
25. Maximize the power of %SCAN using WORDSCAN utility, Priya Saradha
26. CALL EXECUTE: How and Why, Ian Whitlock
27. Developing and Managing a SAS® Macro Library, Margaret James, Carolyn Maass, Ginger Redner
28. Macro Quoting to the Rescue: Passing Special Characters, Mary F. O. Rosenbloom, Art Carpenter
29. Building Macros and Tracking Their Use, Richard Koopmann
31. Taking Control of Macro Variables, Dante diTommaso
32. Array: Construction and Usage of Arrays of Macro Variables, Ronald Fehd
35. &&&, ;;, and Other Hieroglyphics Advanced Macro Topics, Chris Yindra [Process Flow]
36. The Easy Way to Flexible Code: SAS® Macro Variables, Mel Widawski
37. A General Purpose Macro to Obtain a List of Files: Plus Macro Programming Techniques, Mel Widawski
38. The Six Ampersand Solution, John Gerlach
39. Macro Makes PROC MEANS Flexible, Kimberly Yarbrough
40. How Symbolic Variables Can Reduce Code in a Graphics Environment, Monique Bryher
42. The Next Step with Macros – Double Ampersand Macros &&helpme&i.., Jennifer Rosson
44. Robust Programming Techniques in the SAS® System, Alice M. Cheng
45. Protecting Macros and Macro Variables: It Is All About Control, Eric Sun, Arthur Carpenter [Secure, Protect]
46. A Modular Approach to Portable Programming, Michael Litzsinger, Michael Riddle
47. Rules for Tools – The SAS Utility Primer, Frank DiIorio [setup]
48. SAS Keyboard Macros, Pete Lund
49. Using SAS Macros to Help Document SAS Macro Program Files, Patrick Thornton
50. Guidelines on Writing SASÆ Macros for Public Use, Frank Ivis [Program Header, Error Checking]
52. SAS® Macro Programming Tips, Tricks and Techniques, Kirk Paul Lafler
53. Before You Get Started: A Macro Language Preview in Three Parts, Art Carpenter
55. IS THIS MACRO PARAMETER BLANK? Chang Chung, John King [Defensive Programming, Macro]
56. Quotes within Quotes: When Single (‘) and Double (“) Quotes are not Enough, Arthur Carpenter
57. Are You a Control Freak? Control Your Programs – Don’t Let Them Control You!, Mary F. O. Rosenbloom, Art Carpenter
58. SAS® Macro Autocall and %Include, Jie Huang, Tracy Lin [SOURCE2]
59. SAS® Code and Macros: How They Interact, Bruce Gilsen
60. Building Programs with the SAS Macro Facility
61. How Many Observations Are In My Data Set? Jack Hamilton
62. %SYSFUNC - The Brave New Macro World, Chris Yindra [INPUTC, INPUTN, FINFO]
63. Three Easy Ways around Nonexistent or Empty Datasets, Spencer Childress, Brandon Welch [Defensive Programming]
64. Analyse That : Getting Information Quickly About Your SAS Data, Steve Prust [SCL functions]
65. Data Transparency Through Metadata Management, Judith Goud, Julie Smiley
66. %DO Loop – a Simple Dynamic Programming Technique, Yunchao (Susan) Tian
67. SAS® Macro Dynamics - From Simple Basics to Powerful Invocations, Rick Andrews [Basic, Advanced]
68. Large-Scale System Development in Base SAS, Craig Ray
69. Performing Multiple Statements for Each Record in a SAS® Data Set, Edward Moore
70. No %’s or &’s: Macros Inside the SAS® DATA Step, William C. Murphy [Call Execute]
71. Accessing SAS® metadata and using it to help us develop data-driven SAS programs, Iain Humphreys [Applications]
72. Using CALL SYMPUT to Simplify, W. Jodi Auyuen
73. Not Just Another Macro, Y. Christina Song
74. Using SAS® Macro Functions to Manipulate Data, Ben Cochran
75. Considerations in Organizing the Structure of SAS® Macro Libraries, Roger Muller
76. No More Bad Dates!: A Guide to SAS® Dates in Macro Language, Kate Burnett-Isaacs
77. Writing Reusable Macros, Philip Holland
79. Take an In-Depth Look at the %EVAL Function, Beilei Xu, Lei Zhang
80. SAS MACRO: Beyond the Basics, Stephen Philp
81. To %bquote or not to %bquote? That is the question, Andrew Howell [e-poster]
82. Avoid Change Control by Using Control Tables, Frank Ferriola [Proc SQL, Proc FORMAT]
83. Intermediate and Advanced SAS® Macros, Steven First, Katie Ronk
84. SAS Macros Bits and Pieces, Lawrence Heaton-Wright [%GOTO]
85. Return Code From Macro; Passing Parameter By Reference, Hsiwei Yu, Gary Huang
86. Macro Design Ideas: Theory, Template, Practice, Ronald Fehd
87. Dynamic Code Creation Using Call Symput and the SAS Macro Language, Mark Gustafson [MTRACE]
88. Macro: Bells and Whistles for Version 6, Lynn Patrick [MTRACE]
89. A Sample Macro for Creating a List on the Fly, Debbie Miller
90. Choosing the Best Way to Store and Manipulate Lists in SAS, Dmitry Rozhetskin
92. The Ins and Outs of %IF, Michelle Buchecker [Conditional Processing]
93. Building Intelligent Macros: Using Metadata Functions with the SAS® Macro Language, Arthur Carpenter
94. SAS Macro Language Quick Study, Clarence Jackson
95. %DO Loop – a Simple Dynamic Programming Technique, Yunchao Tian
96. Automating Code Generation to Reduce Errors and Effort, Steve Cavill [Call Execute]
97. Macros I Use Every Day (And You Can, Too!), Joe DeShon
99. Simple %str(ER)ROR Checking in Macros, Magnus Mengelbier
100. Autocall Macros – A Quick Overview, Vinod Panangattiri Parambil
101. Which SASAUTOS Macros Are Available to My SAS® Session?, Harry Droogendyk [MAUTOSOURCE]
102. Run Time Comparison Macro, Robert Patten
103. Techniques for writing robust SAS macros, Martin Gregory, Merck Serono
105. A Macro that can Search and Replace String in your SAS Programs,Ting Sa [Macro, Scan Keywords]
106. End of Computing Chores with Automation: SAS® Techniques That Generate SAS® Codes, Yun Zhuo
107. The Use of Metadata in Creating, Transforming and Transporting, Clinical Data, Gregory Steffens
108. Secrets of Macro Quoting Functions – How and Why, Susan OConnor
109. Store and Recall Macros with SAS ® Macro Libraries, John Myers
110. Exporting & Importing Datasets & Catalogs: Utility Macros Adel Fahmy
111. Using a SAS Catalog to Develop and Manage a SAS® Project, David Chapman
112. Documenting SAS® Macro Programs using CATALOGS, Patrick Thornton
113. Ways to Store Macro Source Codes and How to Retrieve Them, Mirjana Stojanovic, Donna Hollis
114. Protecting Macros and Macro Variables: It Is All About Control, Eric Sun, Art Carpenter
116. Developing Large SAS Macro Applications, John Ingersoll
117. Usability and Usability Testing at SAS, Paul Hankey
119. Read Titles and Footnotes from a Table Shell into a SAS Dataset, Daniel Huang, Lois Lynn [Program Index]
120. Automatic Generation of Titles, Footnotes, and Superscripts for Tables with Macros and PROC REPORT, Paul Cascagnette [Program Index]
121. An Animated Guide: A program to Read information from Program Headers and Produce Reports for Programming Managers, Russ Lavery [QA Macro]
123. A Case Study in Using Unit Testing as a Method of Primary Validation, Ross Farrugia
124. Modular Programming - Some Lessons Learned and Benefits Gained, Ross Farrugia
125. Building and Using Macro Libraries, Arthur Carpenter
128. %IFN - A Macro Function, Chang Chung, Ian Whitlock
129. Using SAS® Macro Variable Lists to Create Dynamic Data-Driven Programs, Joshua Horstman
131. CALL EXECUTE: A Powerful Data Management Tool, Denis Michel
132. Simplifying Your %DO Loop with CALL EXECUTE, Arthur Li
133. Creating Data-Driven SAS® Code with CALL EXECUTE, Hui Wang
134. Call Execute: Let Your Program Run Your Macro, Artur Usov
135. SAS® DATA Step – Compile, Execution, and the Program Data Vector, Dalia Kahane
136. Strategies for Error Handling and Program Control: Concepts, Thomas Billings
137. The Ampersand (&) Challenge, Single, Double or more?, Amar Nayak
138. Understanding Double Ampersand [&&] SAS® Macro Variables, Nina Werner ["&&NAME&i."]
139. SAS Automation and More, Frank Fan [SYSIN]
140. A Better SYSIN Than SYSIN: Instream Files on Any Platform, Ted Conway
141. I’ve Got to Hand It to You; Portable Programming Techniques, Arthur Carpenter, Mary Rosenbloom [SYSIN]
142. Keeping Up to Date: Using Build Tools with SAS®, Robert Burnham [SYSIN]
143. Getting the Right DATES (with SAS), Marje Fecht [%sysevalf]
144. Quick ‘n Dirty - Small, Useful Utility Macros, Harry Droogendyk [%symdel]
145. User friendly management of continuously improving standard macro systems, Katja Glass
146. Creating a Stored Macro Facility in 10 Minutes Erik S. Larsen [Catalog, MSTORED SASMSTORE]
147. Macros to Manage your Macros? Garrett Weaver [OPTIONS MSTORED SASMSTORE]
148. Meta Data That You (Probably) Didn’t Know That You Had: A Beginners’ Guide to Using SAS Dictionaries and Automatic Macro Variables, Richard F. Pless [&syslibrc, &sysfilrc]
149. Let SAS® Do Your DIRty Work, Richann Watson [Archive]
150. Writing Reliable SAS Programs, Balraj Pitlola, Venkata Karimiddela
152. Logging the Log Magic: Pulling the Rabbit out of the Hat, Adel Fahmy
154. Anticipating User Issues with Macros, Lawrence Heaton-Wright
155. Proper Housekeeping – Developing the Perfect “Maid” to Clean your SAS® Environment, Chuck Bininger
156. Macros to Help You Clean Up!, Kavitha Maddur
157. SAS® Macro Design Issues Ian Whitlock
158. Macro Design & Development by Example, Dante diTommaso, Benjamin Szilagyi
159. A Second Look at SAS® Macro Design Issues, Ian Whitlock
160. SAS® Macros and the Power of Design, Dalia Kahane
161. SAS Macro Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced SAS Programmers [YouTube]
162. Good Programming Practices in Healthcare Creating Robust Programs, Gregory Nelson, Jay Zhou
166. Passing Simple and Complex Parameters In and Out of Macros, Ted Williams
167. A utility tool to assist with the setup of the startup environment for remote access William Wei, Shunbing Zhao [setup, global macro variables, libnames, relative path names]
168. Using SASv9.cfg, autoexec.sas, SAS Registry, and Options to Set Up Base SAS®, Peter Eberhardt, Mengting Wang [Conditional Processing]
170. Customizing Your SAS Initialization, George Hurley [SAS Autoexec, SAS Set Init]
171. The FILENAME Statement: Interacting with the world outside of SAS®, Chris Schacherer
172. Setting Relative Server Paths in SAS® Enterprise Guide, Michelle Buchecker [SAS Support 1, 2]
%let New_path=%sysget(SAS_EXECFILEPATH);
%let fullpath = %sysget(sas_execfilepath);
%let prgname = %qscan(&fullpath, -1, \);
%let curpath = %qscan(&fullpath, 1, %eval(%length(&fullpath) - %length(&prgname) - 1));
%let lev1nm = %qscan(&curpath, -1, \);
%let mod0pth = E:\&lev4nm\&lev3nm\&lev2nm\module_0;
%let lenyo1 = E:\&lev4nm\&lev3nm\&lev2nm\data;
libname lenyo1 "&lenyo1" access=readonly;